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John Henry Stamper (Basilius) center, and the full company during a song number

From Left to Right: Brach Drew (Pythio), Alex Simpson (Dametas), John Henry Stamper (Basilius)

From Left to Right: Ensemble members James Carroll, John Henderson, Holden Jones, Brennan Wood, and Danny Bass (Musidorus)

John Henry Stamper (Basilius) center, and the full company during a song number
Head Over Heels
Assistant Stage Manager
Arizona Repertory Theatre
Tornabene Theatre
Cast: 22
Tucson, Arizona
Director: Danny Gurwin
Choreographer: Christie Kerr
Music Director: Jamie Reed
Stage Manager: Nadya Eldurubi
Costume Designer: Patrick Holt
Lighting Designer: Ken Phillips
Scenic Designer: Apollo Weaver
Sound Designer: Matt Marcus
Photo Credit: Tim Fuller
Learn about the production This is one of Kathryn's favorite productions at ART. She was the 1st ASM, tracking all scenery and props. The show was incredibly upbeat, fun, and was a blessing for Kathryn to work on.
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